Friday, February 9, 2007

What Would the Lorax Do?

Joe Lieberman, a self-dubbed "Lorax" of "Islamist extremism," is the subject of a piece in the most recent issue of the New Yorker. In it, it is mentioned that Lieberman is reading America Alone,
a book by the conservative commentator Mark Steyn, which argues that Europe is succumbing, demographically and culturally, to an onslaught by Islam, leaving America friendless in its confrontation with Islamic extremism.

“The thing I quote most from it is the power of demographics, in Europe particularly,” Lieberman said. “That’s what struck me the most."
How dare he try to conflate the Lorax, that great Seussian speaker for the trees, with racism and Islamophobia. (I mean, let's be honest, "the power of demographics" is really just a way to talk in polite company about there being too damn many Arabs and Muslims.)

I just wish that Joe Lieberman would pick himself up by the seat of his pants and carry himself away.

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